
Health and Body.

                         Health and Body.
All people, of  all ages want to be healthy. Sure, there are a few useful tips that should be followed by everyone in order to have good health and strong spirit. First of all is a Healthy diet.Food is one of the most important things. A person should eat healthy, have standard portions and try to eat wholesome food and do it on time every day; in general, there must be at least five or six meals a day. So, what does it mean – eat healthy? Firstly, it means people    should eat fruit and vegetables, meat and fish – all of them have vitamins. Such dairy products as cottage cheese, milk, eggs are really useful for sportsmen.
Sport trainings are very important in our life. Sport activities help to lose weight and keep shape,and also helps our bones to stay strong, to have muscle tone and is a great helper for nervous system.
Today, I guess, everyone can find a favorite activity. If you like, for example, active lifestyle, you can go in for such sport as basketball, cycling, dance, swimming or jogging.
There must be mentioned that bad habits will never become helpmates of a healthy person. Smoking and alcohol are bad for our health .

I want to be a healthy person, so I choose to lead a healthy lifestyle. I often go in for different sports. In winter I usually go skating or skiing, and in summer my friends and I play volleyball or cycling. As they say, a sound mind is in a sound body.

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