
Health and Body.

                         Health and Body.
All people, of  all ages want to be healthy. Sure, there are a few useful tips that should be followed by everyone in order to have good health and strong spirit. First of all is a Healthy diet.Food is one of the most important things. A person should eat healthy, have standard portions and try to eat wholesome food and do it on time every day; in general, there must be at least five or six meals a day. So, what does it mean – eat healthy? Firstly, it means people    should eat fruit and vegetables, meat and fish – all of them have vitamins. Such dairy products as cottage cheese, milk, eggs are really useful for sportsmen.
Sport trainings are very important in our life. Sport activities help to lose weight and keep shape,and also helps our bones to stay strong, to have muscle tone and is a great helper for nervous system.
Today, I guess, everyone can find a favorite activity. If you like, for example, active lifestyle, you can go in for such sport as basketball, cycling, dance, swimming or jogging.
There must be mentioned that bad habits will never become helpmates of a healthy person. Smoking and alcohol are bad for our health .

I want to be a healthy person, so I choose to lead a healthy lifestyle. I often go in for different sports. In winter I usually go skating or skiing, and in summer my friends and I play volleyball or cycling. As they say, a sound mind is in a sound body.


   London is the capital of Great Britain or the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is an old city, its history counts more than two thousand years. London is both the capital of the country and a huge port.
London is situated upon both banks of the Thames. There are 17 bridges that cross the river.
The population of London is more than 9 million people.
The history of London goes back to Roman times.
 The City is the oldest part of London with narrow streets and pavements. There are many offices, companies and banks in this part of London. The City of London is the financial centre of the United Kingdom. Only a few thousand people live there, but about half a million people come to work there. The biggest Banks and offices are concentrated in the City.The West End is the centre of London. It is full of richest hotels, largest supermarkets, best cinemas and concert halls. There are a lot of beautiful houses and gardens. Only well-to-do people can live there.
 Westminster Palace is the seat of the British Parliament.. It is situated in the centre of London. Many great Englishmen were buried in the Abbey: Newton, Darwin and others.
There is the largest clock in the country which is known to the whole world as Big Ben. The Buckingham Palace was built in the 18th century.
There are many nice squares in London. Trafalgar Square is one of them and it is in the centre of the West End. One can see a statue of Lord Nelson in the middle of this square.
 There are many museums, libraries and galleries in London.
The British Museum is a very interesting place in London. It was founded in 1753.

The Geography of UK

               The Geography of UK

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island is situated on the British Isles not far from Europe. It consists of the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern part of Ireland and a great number of small islands. Such as: the Orkney, the Hebrides, the Isle of White and many others.If you look at the map of Europe you will see that Great Britain is not large. It takes 6 hours to travel in a fast train, from London, the capital of England, to Edinburgh, the capital of Scotland. And the Journey from London to Plymouth takes a little over 4 hours by train.There are 4 part of Great Britain England, the capital is London, Scotland the capital is Edinburgh, Wales the capital is Cardiff and Northern Island the capital is Belfast. Great Britain lies not far from continent. It is separated from Europe by the North Sea and England Channel. The channel in it's narrowest part The Strait of Dover is only 32 kilometers.The sea connects Britain with most European countries such as: Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway, Russia and some other countries. The main sea route from Europe to America also passed thought the channel.British climate is mild. It often rains ,fogs are quit often especially in the West and south-west. The Gulf Stream a warm ocean current warms to seas around the British coast moderating the climate, giving it cold Summers mild winters. The temperature in winter seldom falls below zero and the field and meadow are green all year round.